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PA Program

Yale Medicine Magazine, 2006 - Autumn


About two dozen alumni of the Physician Associate Program attended a reunion reception on June 1 at the Graduate Club. Mary L. Warner, M.M.Sc., PA-C., assistant dean and director of the program, told the gathering that the program is expanding from 25 to 27 months. The longer schedule is designed to accommodate accreditation requirements and to give students more time for work on thesis projects. There will be a site visit for the program’s accreditation in the spring of 2007.

Warner said she and her staff have been working with medical schools in Uganda and England, and may help to start physician associate programs there. Also on the international front, four students have gone abroad for clinical rotations in England, Costa Rica, Belize and Nicaragua, while two students received funding from the Wilbur Downs International Health Travel Fellowship Program to travel to Brazil and South Africa to complete HIV research.

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